At an Impasse? Locked Horns? Frayed Nerves?

The Mediation Group of Santa Cruz helps you resolve a conflict or settle an ongoing dispute with someone in your life. We offer conflict resolution and mediation services designed to help you reach an agreement and move forward with greater peace of mind.

homebullet Avoid litigation or Small Claims Court

homebullet Learn how to communicate more effectively

homebullet Preserve a relationship by piecing together a peace plan

homebullet Settle disputes in a calm and neutral environment

“I felt so hopeless and confused when we first started the divorce process, but you guided us through every detail and made it as manageable as possible. I’m so glad we mediated and didn’t end up in court.”  —Denise B., Santa Cruz, CA

Mediator Help in Santa Cruz, CA

We Can Help

We provide the people of Santa Cruz County with a broad range of conflict resolution and mediation solutions for every aspect of life involving disputes on any level.

Experienced Mediators in Santa Cruz, CA

Our Experience

For 25 years, we have helped Santa Cruzans solve difficult situations in their family relations, housing, neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, consumer dealings, facilitation & advocacy needs, and, if needed, we provide Small Claims Court counseling.

Mediator Solutions in Santa Cruz, CA

There's Always a Solution

We work diligently to help our clients resolve situations that may seem insurmountable, but can ultimately be put to rest with a mutually acceptable plan for moving forward with peace of mind for all parties.

Mediators in Santa Cruz, CA

Mediation Benefits

We offer a number of articles and other resources here on our website so you can learn more about the benefits of mediation for your situation.